Premium Beef Jerky
Net $200 - $400 MORE per head!
Our exclusive partnership with Stoney Point Jerky converts your hindquarters into premium jerky!
10 flavors | 2 textures | Any bag size & design.
Our suggested retail price for you is $10.99 - $12.99 per 4 OZ pack!
Custom labeling & branding is available.
Franks, Bologna, Sticks & Sausages
Net $1.00 to $2.00 more per pound vs. selling ground beef!
Our exclusive partnership with both Denver Meat Company & Stoltzfus Meats converts your cattle’s trimmings into delicious deli products!
Custom labeling & branding is available.
Premium Tallow Products
Net $1,000 more per head. Products include, Tallow Balms, Face Cream, Lip Balms, Soap & Deodorant!
Our exclusive partnership with Hearth & Homestead converts your animals suet into skin care products of the highest quality.
Custom labeling & branding is available.
*** Grass Fed Suet Only ***