Premium Beef Jerky

Net $200 - $400 MORE per head!

Our exclusive partnership with Stoney Point Jerky converts your hindquarters into premium jerky!

10 flavors | 2 textures | Any bag size & design.

Our suggested retail price for you is $10.99 - $12.99 per 4 OZ pack!

Custom labeling & branding is available.

Franks, Bologna, Sticks & Sausages

Net $1.00 to $2.00 more per pound vs. selling ground beef!

Our exclusive partnership with both Denver Meat Company & Stoltzfus Meats converts your cattle’s trimmings into delicious deli products!

Custom labeling & branding is available.

Premium Tallow Products

Net $1,000 more per head. Products include, Tallow Balms, Face Cream, Lip Balms, Soap & Deodorant!

Our exclusive partnership with Hearth & Homestead converts your animals suet into skin care products of the highest quality.

Custom labeling & branding is available.

*** Grass Fed Suet Only ***

Premium Dog Food

Net $100+ more per head! Products include ground organ & bone mix, dried liver, heart & lung chips, & dried trachea.

Our exclusive partnership with Carnos Dog Food converts wasted organs into money making, pet pleasing treats!

Custom labeling & branding is available.

Luxury Leather Processing

Our leather processing is now available to you!

Hide toll processing services can be provided for our largest commercial clients. This service is limited to large, commercial sized cattle loads at one time.

We process & veg-tan leather in large batches, & we also facilitate custom consumer goods like hand bags, travel bags, belts, wallets, and much more.